Thursday, July 28, 2005

The road trip

Tomorrow would be my last day before I’m getting 1 week break. Man, I just couldn’t wait for it. I spent my last 1 week holiday by going for a road trip. I’m not sure if I can call it road trip or not.

First of all, I’m traveling alone, so that’s definitely erased the title itself. Most of the Holywood that I watch regarding Road Trip, it MUST be in group. But I don’t care, its my story, so I can gave what ever name I want

First stop, going to Malacca. I have 2 purpose for doing this. The most important thing is to settle some problem regarding my convocation issue. Yes, you heard it heard, convocation. For a 26 years old to be graduate is a bit odd right?. Lets just say I goof around to much while I’m there (seriously…. I regret it).

The fun part is meeting some old friends. And by saying old, I’m not saying it literally but numerically also. 3 days just hang out doing nothing is surely a heaven. Woke up a bit late from usual and didn’t do anything. Pretty much the same with what I did when I was studying, but this time.. I got the money!!!

Meeting, “the laid back mofo”, “stylist sleeper”, “day sleeper”, “sleepyhead” and those “vegetarians” from the next house is just superb. If and only if the PS2 is still there. I hate playing it actually, but watching they playing WE while trashing each other is an ideal activity at that time.

Next stop, KL. A friend of mine, “workaholic rocker” promised me to come back early from work but unfortunately; I had to wait for 2 and a half hour for him. Man, I could kill someone for that. Thank god he’s paying for my dinner. Woke up alone at 10 the next morning and went to Wangsa Maju, the last destination

Manage to have a drink with two winners from Selayang ku Sayang that night. All I can say, its not a good idea to come to KL in a weekdays, when all your friends need to work the next morning. There is not much thing to do during the night time.

Let see how I’m going to spend my next 1 week break. Oh yes, I’m not sure whether this is significant or not, but my convocation is on 7th August, so if any of you want to come. Please do. Later.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back to normal

At last.. I'm fully recovered (excuse) from my last tennis game with arwah around 2 month ago.
I am desperately need to burn more calories right now. Sitting in front of the tv watching The Simpsons every 6.00 PM was not an ideal activity for me.

So here I am back to my usuall evening routine, playing what I like most (at this time) which is tennis. Plus, there is no harm in that when a couple or two Uniten's chicks that also playing at the same court. I bet someday they will ask me to teach them something... or at least that is what I hope will happen. Better to help other people when they are so eager to learn something new right???.Hahahahhahah

Too tired right now. 3 evening in a row after 2 month hiatus definitely make my sleep even better. Later!.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm old.....

I’m officially 26 years old today. Huh.. I didn’t think it would be that long already, I mean, I still didn’t achieve anything in my life yet. At least that is what I like to think.

The celebration is just moderate… Even my parents manage to ALMOST forget my birthday if it was not my sister who remind them this morning. Heheheheh. Greetings from my friends via SMS, mail and call is quite expected.

The only surprised is when my old primary school friend and my uncle is Labuan dropped me a line and wishing me my birthday. The only person who still didn’t wish me is my beloved brother and his wife. Hehehehe. Well, I don’t mind at all.

I’m still tired from my road trip last week. Better if I go to sleep now. Later….

Saturday, July 09, 2005


I bet any of you guys have read about this comic strip. Well, since I'm in the mood of no writing, I'm just going to let you have fun reading about this. Sarcasm was brought to a new level in this strip.
You can get the rest from here