Saturday, August 27, 2005


How do you measure patriotism?. I dont think there is any possible way to get that value. Boleh ke kita tunjukkan betapa patriotik nyer seseorang dgn mengira berapa byk bendera yg dipasang di atas kereta? pagar? dan meja?.

Rasa mcm x masuk akal je, with all this kind of action, "lets wave our flag in showing our gratitude for being independence". Huh.. senang betul eh nak tunjuk. I just dont agree why do we need to spend a lot of money in this kind of activity when the real purpose is not reaching the possible audiance.

Sebenarnya takda point pun percakapan ni.. Cuma terasa cara yg kita praktikkan ni mcm x betul@appropriate for that. I dont think ppl can measure the level of patriotism. Its just not possible. Its just like love/hate. Can you measure that?. What kind of unit that we need to use. Kg? km?.

I think goverment shud find another effective way to potrait a better way to show how gratefull we are to be Malaysians. But honestly, I dont feel like I'm a patriotik enuff. I dont hate my country and I dont love them that much too. There are some areas that can be tweak for better. But overall, I'm happy with what I got. It could be much worse tho'.

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