Sunday, February 19, 2006


I was having this normal chatting with a friend of mine last friday. I'm not sure what was the issue back then, but the general idea how 'sombong' we appeared to each other before we actually started to speake to each other.
And then she said:

She : Tapi kan, ada satu masa dulu, ko pernah duduk depan aku and ko takda nak pun pusing belakang nak tegor aku dulu ker.
Me : Ler, macam la ko tak boleh nak tegor aku dulu, mana ada beza pun sapa tego sape pun kan?
She : Tapi kan masa tuh aku suka tgk belakang badan ko.
Me : Hah?. Belakang badan aku?. Maknanya ko menyampah la skang tgk depan badan aku?.
She : Ada ke macam tuh, aku tak cakap mcm tuh pun.

That night, I spent more than 5 minutes trying to see whats there at the back of my body. Which is stupid lah considering I only have 1 mirror to look at.
Its amazing you know, how strong the effect of 1 simple statement from your opposite sex can make you do stupid thing like that.
"Watching the back of your body using 1 mirror"


Unknown said...

wahahaahahaa... are sure she was staring at ur back o mayb someplace else at the back? wahahahaahaaaa....

Overrated said...

i only repeat the things that she told me... lain dari tuh.. not sure. :p

Anonymous said...

Meh aku kasi tambah sket. Biar ko lagi kembang. Hehehe.. Kalau masa kat U dulu, bebudak pomupan sibuk kata suka tgk mata ko. Diorang kata mata ko cantik! Ewahh!!!.. Ok puji sket2 aje. Heheh.. Sebelum aku kawin dulu, ada terserempak ngan Pijie, wife ngan baby dia. Comel anak dia. Dia ada kasi no hp tp ilang pulak. Kalau tak, dpt jemput set2 PPP.

Overrated said...

alamak.. nih bukan puji skit2 dah ni.. nasib baik la ko x ckp depan mata.. eh depan mata plak, depan muka aku.. kalau tak mesti dah blushing2 kucing dah aku... hahhaha. Wah! PG dah kawin?. Dah lost contact langsung la ngan bdk2 PPP. Hari tuh Wan Ahmad Zaky kawin pun x sempat nak pergi... frust aku *sigh*

Anonymous said...

well its about time ...ada gak la aksi ngan perempuan..muhahahahha

Overrated said...

damn u brother! hahahah

Ingrid Dients said...

Lemme see, if I liked watching a guy's back it would probably have a lot to do with his shoulder, hair or a$$, but not necessarily in that order

Anonymous said...

haha....power manusia bukan kaler mata biasa!

Overrated said...

obviously i cant understand whats in that shoulder to look at. I mean, there's nothing special to look at.. right?. But i can understand about the hair and the ass, because sometimes that is what i look in girl sometimes.. kalau tak pakai tudung lah rite?..

shut up you!!! hahahahah :-p

nadya.s said...

waaahh..kawan aku nih ..HOT repa2 nya.lepas nih..aku nak check out bhgn belakang ko plak laa..

Anonymous said... pelik ek daus..sbnrnye ape yg org suka tgk adlh bgantung pd org tu.KADANG2 bnda yg org buat..pndang jeling jerit senyum adalah "with no reason".susah nk persoalkn knapa sbb KADANG2 jwpn nye tak kn kn????? ;p anyway,kem slm a kt 'she' kalo ko jmpa dia..hahaha

Overrated said...

Ntah la, susah nak percaya certain things yg org buat dlm hidup ni with no reason.. mesti wujud reason kenapa sesuatu action tuh di buat.. kan kan?.. my 2 cents lah. Kim salam kt 'she'?.. payah la skit
ntah bila nak jumpa dia.. dia pun cam sombong skit skang.