Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Day 1

I woke up as fresh as it should. Mana tak nya, dari kul 9 sampai kul 6 tuh. Gila ke ape tido lama2. 12 jam tuh!!!. Hahahahahah. The lasty time i slept that much is when I was in MMU melaka, masa jahil. Sekarang pun jahil jugak, tapi skit2 aje la. There is still room for improvement aight?.

Tak sabar gua nak pegi center that morning. Nak kenal participant2 yang ada kt sana. Nasib baik la dgn muka tak malu berjaya tumpang van yang hantar they all ke sana. Dah la turun lambat.. hehehehe. Alaaa, kalau kitaorang x sampai, tak start jugak course tuh. Baik la derang lambat ngan kami eh?.

As much I hate to admit this, I was pretty surprised with the facilities there. The lab was so clean, well managed and the lab coordinator is way knowledgeable compared to us in Semananjung. Sah2 la aku happy, mana taknya, work load dah makin kurang!.

Even the officer that in-charge for that course is well prepared in terms of management and presentation. Tapi kesian skit la sebab there will be 2 public holidays next week!, so aku cuma kerja 8 hari and got extra 2 days to have a so called tour around here. Tapi cikgu2 cuma ada 8 hari je la nak siapkan kerja2 derang. Even the place to eat for the participants is damn cool. Siap ada white khemah, macam kenduri aje. Maybe organize some sort of picnic or activity over the weekend the kill some time.

That night sempat la browse skit tv2 yang ada di situ. Ada sampai 1 channel ni, Indo punya. Tuh dia tajuk. “ ULAR IBLIS MEMBURU CINTA”. I was ready for some scary action. Alih2… cita soap opera!!! Dah la jiwang gila!! Aduh sakit gila hati. Buang masa aku je berharap hehhehehe.

There are 2 words to explain accurately the SINGLE FEMALE teacher. HOT ONE!! Hahahahahahha. I dunno maybe due to the mix from any races in Sarawak and makes them look more to Chinese look. THIS IS AFTER ALL GOING TO BE A GOOD TRIP!.

The view at 615 AM from my balcony!. Dah cerah gila!


Anonymous said... nye...bekerja smbl mkn angn.ade extra blh cuci mata wooo....hahahaha

Overrated said...

cwm :
haaaa tu la, aku ajak dtg sini x mau, sombong.. hahahah

hyldaa said...

bwahahahah! nice.. dulu org dok s'wak pun tak masuk tempat ceruk2 nih. Looks like you're having a ball there dude

Overrated said...

when u said, "dulu org s'wak pun x masuk tmpt2 ceruk2 tuh"... are u referring to urself or somebody else???... hahahahha