Saturday, August 27, 2005


How do you measure patriotism?. I dont think there is any possible way to get that value. Boleh ke kita tunjukkan betapa patriotik nyer seseorang dgn mengira berapa byk bendera yg dipasang di atas kereta? pagar? dan meja?.

Rasa mcm x masuk akal je, with all this kind of action, "lets wave our flag in showing our gratitude for being independence". Huh.. senang betul eh nak tunjuk. I just dont agree why do we need to spend a lot of money in this kind of activity when the real purpose is not reaching the possible audiance.

Sebenarnya takda point pun percakapan ni.. Cuma terasa cara yg kita praktikkan ni mcm x betul@appropriate for that. I dont think ppl can measure the level of patriotism. Its just not possible. Its just like love/hate. Can you measure that?. What kind of unit that we need to use. Kg? km?.

I think goverment shud find another effective way to potrait a better way to show how gratefull we are to be Malaysians. But honestly, I dont feel like I'm a patriotik enuff. I dont hate my country and I dont love them that much too. There are some areas that can be tweak for better. But overall, I'm happy with what I got. It could be much worse tho'.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

In the mood of celebrating

I’m still in my 1 week holiday. Instead of going somewhere like before, aku pegi balik kampong. 3 hari kat sana dari hari ahad sampai le ker hari semalam. Man, panas giler kelantan. Sia2 jer bawak running shoe, poyo2 lah ingat kan nak jogging every evening sambil melihat pemandangan sawah yg menghijau.. chewah.

Daripada aku berjemur ptg dlm kepanasan yg amat, baik la lepak dlm rumah minum something cold sambil terlentang di bawah kipas. I’ll tell you, that’s the best way in getting thru extra hot weather.

Lupa plak nak wish ke kawan aku sorang ni, Wodern@Hafiz dan pasangannya Sakinah, tahniah di atas wedding korang. I’m more than honour to be part of you guys wedding. Semangat aku pegi wedding si wodern ni kt Muar, ingatkan ramai yg dtg, tp maybe semua ada hal memasing or maybe seme dah pegi belah Bangi kut.

So, kt sana terjumpa plak, salah sorang online friends aku, Miss Anne dan tunangnya. Ingatkan sempat la nak lepak2 sambil borak, emmmmm. X sempat jugak. Lain kali lah kalau ada masa dan tempat dan sesuai. Dude! Congratulation on your wedding. Semoga bahagia sampai ke anak cucu. Takda hadiah dari Gold Coast ker?. heheheh

And since, I’m in the mood of having some good news, might as well I say this also. Congratulation also to my brother and his wife for having their first baby. Yeyeye. I’m gonna become an auncle soon. Well, not that soon, maybe next year yes.

Bak kata akak ipar aku, Zureen, tahun ni nampaknya ada 2 org la mak buyung bila raya nanti.Hahahahahah. And here is the best quote of the day. “walau pun mak buyung, kedatinan mesti maintain.....”. Niceeeee!.

Monday, August 15, 2005

2 important points!

Ahhhh.. It’s been 1 week already since my convocation days. Maybe I’m a bit too late with this entry and there is not that significant to others. Plus, there are many other issues that are far more important like APs (Approved Permit and Ayah Pin) and THE haze.

But at least its important to me.

Allhamdulillah, everything went well. The weather itself is good. My parents must be delighted ( more to relieve I guess ) to see me on the stage receiving that empty box of e-scroll. His troubled son managed to finish his study.

As for me the experience itself is worth remembering, being almost the 2nd last person to be on that stage is worth it. I mean, you sit for 2 hour and a half, watching others to get on that stage and feeling sorry for them when almost no claps is heard. And when your time is up, you know the show finally is starting.

I know I’m a famous dude when I was in there, but I didn’t know I’m THAT famous… heheheh. People were clapping so hard that it makes me to stop in the middle of stage to inhale the experience…. Hehehehe. I know the reason for them to applause that hard its because its near the end of the ceremony, but hey I want to believe the claps is purposely for me. I rather believe that.

At the end of the day, there are two important points that I learned. 1st, I have a creepy smile and 2ndly you will get a sore but if you sat for 2 hour and a half without moving, just like when I watched the damn movie, Seven Swords.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

7 Swords

I dont have much to write.. Still mad with myself and the counter guy in GSC Malacca for convincing me to watch 7 Swords. Man, what a crap movie it turn out to be. The only thing that worth it watching it is, you paid 8 bucks and watch the movie for 2 and 1/2 hour!!!

Watching an interesting movie for that long is no problem eh. But imagine forcing your ass to sit THAT long and watch crappy movie. I dont even know where to start about the level of crappiness this movie manage to possesed. I guess you should go and experiance it with your own two eyes and a sore butt after 2 longest hour in your entire life.

Better get ready right now. Going to Malacca at 12 noon, again. Finally, I'm having my convocation!!!!