Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Selamat ( fill in the blanks )...

Wah.. Its been so long since I posted anything here. There are things I wanna write, such as my "experiance" going to the company get together in Langkawi. Tapi macam, words cannot describe it la. Actually its me yang malas nak bercerita.

You would'nt believe what happened last night. I cant sleep, maybe due to excessive sleeping during the day. Cuti 2 hari la for puasa. Not much you can do except sleep rite?. I was awake almost the whole night yesterday. I think its about 3 a.m in the morning when that happened.

At first, you can see, a glimpse of light coming from high powered torchlight zooming into your room, passing thru the curtains. I almost jump from my bed, my heart started to pound and I was struck with fear. "Eh, sape la pulak yg suluh2 bilik aku malam2 ni..."

And then... BANG!!!!!, there was this loud sound coming from outside the fence and I immediately jump from my bed and rushed to the window. At that very moment, I can hear the shrieking sound of an animal in agony. Dengar elok2.... cis! cis! cis!!.. rupanya, ada orang datang memburu babi di taman aku malam2. Aduhai... protest sungguh aku

Dah la tak boleh nak tido, dengar pulak dengar bunyi khinzir nak mampus. *Sigh*. This is going to be a long day for me. Mata pun dah merah skang.

Selamat Berpuasa to all, Jangan ponteng terawih weh... hehhe

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