Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dont u hate this word?. Plain and simple word that could make your life spinning out of nowhere. Some said hope is overrated. Some said its essential to our life is we want to feel like human. But who has the right to say that? Everyone should be allowed to paint their own canvas, right?

It can exists in several form. From career wise scenario up to personal. But as bitter one can be sometimes or how tight his defensive wall is covering him, it still can creep out of nowhere and stays a float in your brain. Stimulating some ideas or scenario along the way

Would it be nice if we somehow can distinguish this hope from reality. There's too much suffering and dissapointment in the world because of this. Sometimes, I think life would be damn easier if its only binary or White and black. We see something, anylzed it and felt it for that particaular time. If somehow we not its not true, we just ditch it and go along with our life.

But rather unfortunately is not that simple. Sometimes, looking at some simple minded people , I felt envious because of their stupidity. And what am i writing today?. I have no idea what. Im just ranting out ramdomnnly. Arent life random?

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