Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm old.....

I’m officially 26 years old today. Huh.. I didn’t think it would be that long already, I mean, I still didn’t achieve anything in my life yet. At least that is what I like to think.

The celebration is just moderate… Even my parents manage to ALMOST forget my birthday if it was not my sister who remind them this morning. Heheheheh. Greetings from my friends via SMS, mail and call is quite expected.

The only surprised is when my old primary school friend and my uncle is Labuan dropped me a line and wishing me my birthday. The only person who still didn’t wish me is my beloved brother and his wife. Hehehehe. Well, I don’t mind at all.

I’m still tired from my road trip last week. Better if I go to sleep now. Later….


Unknown said...

Lorrr, ingatkan hari ni besday... rupanya yesterdayy...biasalaaa my teori, kalau besday jatuh on monday, people tend to forget...wahahahahahahahahaaaa

Unknown said...

happy besday to you.... happy besday to Firdausssss happy besday to you......

From your bro & his wife

Ayuni said...

alalalala...alasan.they just like to forget everbody's birthday!hahahah

Overrated said...

i have to agree with u la ayu... hahahah dah la lambat pastu x nak kasik hadiah..

Unknown said...

forget!!! where got... tersalah tengok calendar laaaaa....