Saturday, August 06, 2005

7 Swords

I dont have much to write.. Still mad with myself and the counter guy in GSC Malacca for convincing me to watch 7 Swords. Man, what a crap movie it turn out to be. The only thing that worth it watching it is, you paid 8 bucks and watch the movie for 2 and 1/2 hour!!!

Watching an interesting movie for that long is no problem eh. But imagine forcing your ass to sit THAT long and watch crappy movie. I dont even know where to start about the level of crappiness this movie manage to possesed. I guess you should go and experiance it with your own two eyes and a sore butt after 2 longest hour in your entire life.

Better get ready right now. Going to Malacca at 12 noon, again. Finally, I'm having my convocation!!!!


Anonymous said...

paid la sayang...
bukan payed...bahasa ape tuh? buat malu juve fan je la kau ni...sapa ajar? anak pak dolah? hahahaha

Overrated said...

damn it... terkantoi plak

Anonymous said...

la....ak ah la ngka budak!! buat malu anak org kuat tottenham jer!!hahaha