Thursday, May 18, 2006

Oh my...

Wow.. it feel so right today. The birds are chirping, the grass are greener, the air is fresher and Arsenal lost in their Championships League's Final against the mighty Barcelona.!!! Tak sia2 aku tengok game semalam. As long no EPL's team winning, then I'm a happy man

Well, the Gunners fan might cried about the so called injustice done by the referee yesterday, but hey! its normal to complaint when you are losing and shut up like everyone else when you are winning.. so my advice to you. Be a gracious loser. Aight?

Now, to make the day get better, I need to get a sleep somewhere around today. Dapat tido 1 jam pun dah cun dah ni. I'm off to see the birds and the grass and smell the fresh air!

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