Monday, June 27, 2005

Great Monday!!

I had a funny/weird day today. As usual, at 7 o’clock in the morning, the journey to my office begun and roughly it takes around 45 minutes/80 kilos to get there.

When, I arrived before 8 A.M, all my participant wasn’t there yet. It’s normal I guess, to be a little late for the first day of training. Well, it turn out, all of them was not coming and I got a free day off!!!. Heheheheh. I love this job!!!.

It turn out there is some kind of schedule mix up between the administrator and they didn’t get the latest 1. So, the entire participant will be there tomorrow. I just hope I won’t have to replaced today’s hour!

By 2 PM, I was already in my house, watching DVD’s and enjoying the rest of my free day. 9 more days before my next holiday.. and I cant wait for it!.

Already got a plan, even though I was hoping I can go somewhere to spend my holiday. Well, I guess there is always next time for that!!

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