Tuesday, June 07, 2005


First day of my 1 week break. I was planning to sleep until 10 a.m, but I cant do it. The only day in a week that I can sleep a bit longer is on Saturday and Sunday. So, if the day is Monday or any weekdays, definitely I will be awake right after Subuh until this very moment.
I cant find any way of starting my day by eating breakfast with a cup of instant coffee and a newspaper by my side. By 830 a.m I was already bored. Hehehhe. So, I was left with little option… I was forced to race until lunch. Once a while, I will look to my YM and see my friends were working their butt off. And yes…. I laughed devilishly to them because they have to work. Hahahahahha
By noon, I was bored to death. Maybe it is due to the fact that my dad is using the PC for Freecell!!!!. Man, he can sit there for 2 hours and played the game. When I asked why in the world he played that game, he replied “ I was working with my brain, I don’t want my brain to be slow”. Mind you, my dad is a retiree. So, in this context, I have to agree. Its just when, he’s sitting there, my chances of playing games would be over. So, I just wait till Asar and he stop right after Azan,
By that time, I was already envy my friends for working today…. I don’t know what is in store for me tomorrow. But I hope, it wouldn’t be this bad. I need a vacation!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tula suh keje malas.dok cuti pun buhsan..menda la mamat ni :).kawin jela senang.konfem tak buhsan.anyway jgn frust tak dpt impiankan fantasi holiday anda kei.hahaha