Thursday, October 13, 2005


Its confirm!!!, today I got a called from HP, telling me the least news that i want to hear..
" Your laptop is ready and sorry to say.. your data cannot be recovered...".
*Sigh*. Shit do happen eh?. As expected.. kurang pahala posa aku tadi after listening the news..
Takpe lah.. life goes on kan?. Bulan posa macam ni, dugaan mmg byk. Banyak2 la bersabar.
Kena pergi Kuantan lagi nampaknya weekend ni!


nadya.s said...

elo beb,
welcome to the club eh.. :( sorry to hear the bad news..

Overrated said...

terima kasih2... harap2 jgn ada lagi membe sudah..