Sunday, October 02, 2005

Post holiday...

Hmm.. It seems like there is something wrong about myself lately. I mean, you keep hearing people telling others to go for a holiday so that when you came back from it, you will be fresh and rejuvenated. But I beg to differ, I don’t know what is wrong with my holiday, but I don’t feel fresh or rejuvenated. I do feel no urge of going to work tomorrow. Hehehehe.

The holiday was a blast one. I’m having a great time. Meeting new friends from all over the country is the highlight. Plus my team won the telematch games and volleyball. So we got ourselves with 2 big hamper that we enjoy eating a day before we went back.

No picture yet. Maybe later, when I got some of the pictures from others.So, what will tomorrow bring to me?. Let’s wait and see ya. Gosh! I hate Monday!

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