Sunday, May 08, 2005

I hate working on Sunday... really. But what can i do?, i worked for others, which mean following rules is a must, i guess. The only thing that i'm looking forward to is, tonite's game, AC Milan (booooooo) vs Mighty Juventus (yeah!!). Plus yesterday, i already made a mistake reagrading this match. I was in Kuantan yesterday and i arranged my activities so that i can be in front of my tv to watch THE game. Well, to cut the story short, i totally wrong abt the day. It wasnt yesterday, its today. (dush dush dush).... oh dont worry, that just me banging my head to the wall. :D.I better complete my work today and be ready for tonite. Lets just hope the result will be in our side this season. "Lucky' Milan already too lucky this season and I just hope their luck will not be with them tonite. Muahhahahahahha. Forza Juve!!!

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