Tuesday, May 17, 2005


nothing much to write, nothing spectacular happened today. As expected... hehehhe. Cuma hari ni byk menyelesaikan laptop yg kene trojan. Mak aihhhh, leceh gila la bendalah ni. Aku rasa benda paling menyeksakan boleh terjadi pd PC/laptop. Dah la different kind of Trojan required different kind of application/software to remove it.*Sigh*.Tapi ok jugak rasa2nya, at least menarik skit keje aku ni. Nasib baik la aku ada jumpa forum ni.. bagus giler. The idea of asking help from strangers and mostly get it is very appealing to me. Hampir semua permasalahan ada je org yg tolong. Cuma kene register and download this application, HijackThis, pastu "Scan and save log file". Sebabnya content log tuh akan diminta post dlm forum tuh. Nice one... On non related issue, Kylie Minogue kena breast cancer. Kesian dia. Tapi cam biasalah our life goes on. You can read all the news here

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