Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I feel better now... nasib baik selsema tak makin melarat. Kalau tidak susah la nak kerja. I did something bad today. While I was driving back from work, I hit a bird AGAIN!. Man... I really hate when something like that happen. You can actually see the effect of the car when it hit the small bird. The sound of the incident is merely last for 1 sec but the effect is greater. So far, I already hit 3 birds, mind you its not something that you proud of. 2 of them I hit in the morning and the recent 1 is in the afternoon. You see, the birds like to walk/stay on the road in the morning. For what reason I dunno. Maybe the heat from the road warm them or maybe they just wanna be as close as possible when some incident happen, i.e other animals were hit. I feel bad actually, but there is little that I can do. I already honk 2 or 3 times... announcing my arrival and be aware... but noooo they just stood there and try to wait till the very last before it flown away. Sometimes.. or 3 times, its just too late.


Ayuni said...

ye la....for the sake's of the birds please announce ur arrival soundly

Anonymous said...

woit daud..asek selsema laa ko nihh..clarinase tak jalan..try amik actifact aaa...

apsal langgar burung? mata ko makin bertambah cekelat kerr sampai tak nampak??